The fifth season of Prison Break (also known as Prison Break: Resurrection [1]) is an upcoming season and the continuation of the original series created by Paul Scheuring that aired on Fox from 2005 to 2009. The season is produced by 20th Century Fox Television in association with Adelstein / Parouse Productions and Original Film. Paul Scheuring serves as showrunner, with himself, Marty Adelstein, Neal H. Moritz and Dawn Olmstead, Vaun Wilmott, Michael Horowitz and Nelson McCormick serving as executive producers. McCormick also serves as director. [2] The season is scheduled to premiere on April 4, 2017, and air Tuesdays at 9:00 pm. [3] The first trailer of the series was released on May 16, 2016. [4]
Wentworth Miller stars as Michael Scofield and Dominic Purcell as Lincoln Burrows, while Amaury Nolasco, Paul Adelstein, Robert Knepper, Rockmond Dunbar and Sarah Wayne Callies also return from the original series. New cast additions include Mark Feuerstein, Marina Benedict, Augustus Prew, Rick Yune and Steve Mouzakis. A pilot was ordered in August 2015 and the series was greenlit in January 2016. Production on the series began in April 2016 and filming took place in Vancouver and the Moroccan cities of Rabat, Casablanca, and Ouarzazate.